The long-term memory of the university
Dr. Friederike Jesse / University Archive
Photo: UniService Transfer
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We have enough living space
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Annette Hillebrandt / Building Construction/Design and Materials Science
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Safe handling of lithium batteries
Prof. Dr. Roland Goertz / Safety engineering
Photo: UniService Transfer
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How do trust practices work?
Left: Katharina Andrea Kalthoff / Research Associate of the research group "Doing Trust"
Right: Prof. Dr. Cécile Stephanie Stehrenberger / Science and Technology Research
Photo: Kalthoff: Private
Photo Stehrenberger: Friederike von Heyden
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Processing of plastic waste by insects and fungi
Prof. Dr. Gela Preisfeld / Biology
Photo: Sebastian Jarych
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Dr. Marc Constapel / Management of chemical processes in industry
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Archaeology and Religion in the Environment of the Holy City
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Dieter Vieweger / Biblical-Archaeological Institute
Photo: Sebastian Jarych
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The Elberfeld jubilee fountain
Dr. Doris Lehmann / Art History
Photo: Private
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The Brothers Grimm: Politically Thinking Contemporaries
Apl. Prof. Dr. Ewald Grothe / History
Photo: UniService Transfer

The foundation of modern economic systems
Prof. Dr. Hans Frambach / Economics
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Station as a place of learning
Christine Dzubiel / History and Dr. Stefan Padberg / Geography
Photo: UniService Transfer

Largest environmental congress in Wuppertal
Univ. Prof. mult. Dr.-Ing. agr. Jörg Rinklebe / Soil and groundwater management
Photo: UniService Transfer

Monkeypox in Germany
Dr. Jean Baptist du Prel / Sicherheitstzechnik/Arbeitswissenschaft
Photo: UniService Transfer

Raumbilder - the other view of Germany
Philipp Roling / Industrial Design
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Prof. Dr. Kurt Erlemann / Protestant Theology
Photo: Sebastian Jarych
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Memorial education at the Auschwitz memorial site
Prof. Dr. Juliane Brauer, Dario Treiber / History
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Brutalism building in Wuppertal
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Grafe / History and Theory of Architecture
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Temperature measurements at an altitude of 87 kilometers
Dr. Christoph Kalicinsky / Atmospheric Physics
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Digital Student Services
Anne MacDonald / Campus and Content Management
Photo: Studioline Photography
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Development of a dynamic electricity tariff
Dr.-Ing. Kevin Kotthaus / Electrical Power Supply Engineering
Photo: Private
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Protecting trade secrets
f.l.t.r.: Moritz Schmidt, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager, Dr. David Niehues, Amin Faez
(not in the picture: co-founder Sebastian Overhage)
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Mary 2.0 and the debate about processes of change
Dr. Astrid Heidemann / Catholic Theology
Photo: Axel Klugmann

The Swiss Guard
PD. Dr. Arne Karsten / History
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Home office: Well-designed work brings well-being
Prof. em. Dr. Rainer Wieland / Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Photo: Sylvie Doumet

The mysterious world of images of scientific instruments
Prof. Dr. Volker Remmert and Dr. Julia Ellinghaus / History of Science and Technology
Photo: UniService Transfer

Screenshot - extraordinary snapshots
Prof. Katja Pfeiffer / Art
Photo: Sebastian Jarych

Rare earths
Univ.-Prof. Prof. mult. Dr.-Ing. agr. Jörg Rinklebe / Soil and Groundwater Management
Photo: UniService Transfer

Lecture series on the 550th birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus
Prof. Dr. Volker Remmert / History of Science and Technology Prof. em. Dr. Gregor Schiemann / Department of Philosophy
Photo: UniService Transfer / Sebastian Jarych

Student authors wanted for the "Schoolhouse Novel" project
from left to right: Fedor Ehser, Prof`in Dr. Kirsten Schindler, Dr. Matthias Rürup, Laudris Dinger, Anna-Laura Viethen/ German Studies
Photo: UniService Transfer

Philosophizing with children
Dr. Klaus Feldmann / Philosophy
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Opportunities for engineers
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katharina Löwe / Process and Plant Engineering
Photo: Paul Nick
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Pop Music in Transition
Prof. Dr. Barbara Hornberger / Music Education
Photo: Aileen Rogge
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Lecture Series - Facts, Propaganda, Fake News
Prof. Dr. Kurt Erlemann / Protestant Theology
Photo: Sebastian Jarych
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Else-Lasker-Schüler online
Apl. Prof`in Dr. Anne-Rose Meyer / Modern German Literature
Photo: Friederike von Heyden

PFAS - misunderstood, concealed and highly toxic
Univ.-Prof. Prof. mult. Dr.-Ing. agr. Jörg Rinklebe / Soil and Groundwater Management
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Scientists in Exile
Dr. Élise Julien / DAAD Visiting Professor
Photo: Private
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Cities in transition
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Overmeyer / Architecture
Photo: Steffen Roth
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Facade decoration - envious heads in Wuppertal
Dr. Doris Lehmann / History of Art
Photo: Private
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Song and music in history lessons
Prof. Dr. Juliane Brauer / History
Photo: Friederike von Heyden
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High voltage transformers
Dr.-Ing. Petros Dalamaras / Electrical Power Supply Engineering
Photo: UniService Transfer

The lost synagogues of Tiberias
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Vieweger / Biblical-Archaeological Institute
Photo: Sebastian Jarych
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How secure are our pensions?
Prof. Dr. Christian Bredemeier / Economics
Photo: Friederike von Heyden

The gardener's gold water - on the sustainable use of urine
Prof. Dr. Hans-Willi Kling / Management of Chemical Processes in Industry and Analytical Chemistry
Photo: Sebastian Jarych

How do young people think?
Prof. Dr. Nicola Ferdinand / Psychology
Photo: UniService Transfer
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Attention deer crossing!
Diana Kaiser and Mareike Schlösser / Design and Art
Photo: Felix Brückner
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