About the exciting discovery of a city and its walls
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr.h.c. Dieter Vieweger / Biblical-Archaeological Institute
Photo: Sebastian Jarych

The impossibility of fulfilling a dying wish
Dr. Heike Baranzke / Theological Ethics of Catholic Theology
Photo: UniService Transfer

Managing and directing the traffic of the future
Junior-Prof. Dr. Antoine Tordeux / Managing and directing the traffic of the future
Photo: UniService Transfer

How citizens could benefit from tax reforms and the international stock market
Prof. Dr. Claudia Neugebauer und Prof. Dr. André Betzer / Economics
Photo: Private/Marcel Haupt

Tracking the crowd
Prof. Dr. Armin Seyfried / Computer simulation for fire protection and pedestrian traffic
Photo: UniService Transfer

A part of society lives "on the fringe"
Prof. Andreas Kalweit / Industrial Design
Photo: UniService Transfer

Everybody can talk about music...
Dr. Barbara Roth / Music Pedagogy
Photo: UniService Transfer

Slope following or slope forming: The history of the terraced houses
Dr. Uta Gelbke / Architecture
Photo: Pixstudios Zürich

Research is just not allowed to do everything
Prof. Dr. Michael Scheffel / Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Photo: UniService Transfer

A very special characteristic of biology is... life
Prof`in Dr. Gela Preisfeld / Biology
Photo: UniService Transfer

We must rediscover our religious faith
Prof. Dr. Kurt Erlemann / Protestant Theology
Photo: UniService Transfer

Plants from all over the world in the Bergisch Land
Prof. Dr. Gertrud Lohaus / Botany
Photo: UniService Transfer

Colour-intensive and achromatic times in architecture
Prof. Dr. Annemarie Neser / Design and art
Photo: UniService Transfer

Discovering the author in the mirror of his works
Dr. Stephan Nowotnick und Marie Cravageot / Romance Studies
Photo: UniService Transfer

Regional basic research leads to cooperation with the German Aerospace Center
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Dietrich Wolf / Institute for Security Systems
Photo: bildwerkeins - paul walthe
I have fallen in love with the trace elements / Prof. Dr. Julia Bornhorst (Food Chemistry)
Picasso's artistic response to the Second World War / Prof. Dr. Tatjana Tönsmeyer (History)
A Bergisch daughter on the English throne / PD Dr. Georg Eckert (History)
The man who found Golgotha / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Dieter Vieweger (Biblical-Archaeological Institute)