Respectful cooperation

Security on the campus of the University of Wuppertal

27.01.2025|11:32 Uhr

At the University of Wuppertal, it is important to us to promote a culture of openness, acceptance and respect. It is crucial that we, as members of the university, take responsibility together and work towards respectful coexistence. An important basis for respectful, prudent and active behaviour is the anti-discrimination policy of the University of Wuppertal.

This sets out our values as well as our options for action:

"At the University of Wuppertal, we understand diversity as an essential component of a modern and competitive university. We demand and promote a discrimination-sensitive culture of fair, appreciative, respectful and solidary cooperation in the responsibility of all. All members and affiliates of the university are committed to contributing to a climate of openness, acceptance, respect, equality and equal opportunities through their behaviour and actions.

We are in favour of a culture of awareness and taking a closer look, even without direct personal involvement. We oppose tabooisation and raise awareness and attention for disadvantages. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, violence, stalking and bullying. This policy also aims to prevent any exploitation of power and dependency structures."

The University of Wuppertal's anti-discrimination policy pursues three main objectives: It strengthens our shared commitment to a respectful culture and encourages everyone to exercise their rights to act; it provides a frame of reference for the work of the Anti-Discrimination Office; and it enables us to initiate formal proceedings if informal approaches to resolution are not sufficient.

Our fundamental concern is that conflicts can be resolved through mediation. Nevertheless, there are situations in which serious misbehaviour cannot be tolerated. In such cases, we are prepared to impose sanctions ranging from a simple reprimand procedure to exclusion from facilities or courses.

It is important to us that all members of the university know who they can turn to for support. You can find your contact persons here:

Counselling and complaints offices

Nicole Potenza, M.A.
Anti-discrimination officer

Below you will find an overview
- the general contact points
- the contact points for students
- the contact points for employees

The Rectorate team
Prof Dr Birgitta Wolff, Dr Ursula Löffler, Prof Dr Susanne Buch, Prof Dr Stefan Kirsch, Prof Dr Peter Gust, Prof Dr Gertrud Oelerich

Safety on campus

Where people feel safe and comfortable, they can develop to their full potential: The well-being of all those who work and study at the University of Wuppertal is a central concern for the university management - from safety on the campus paths to protection against discrimination and harassment of all kinds on our premises.

The services offered by the BUW, for example:

  • If you have experienced discrimination or harassment on campus, you can find confidential counselling and support from the Anti-Discrimination Office( Counselling is also available anonymously. We take every report seriously, investigate it and, if necessary, report it to the police.
  • In the event of discrimination against trans*, inter* and non-binary people, you can seek advice from the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit (
  • Self-defence courses are also regularly offered by the university sports centre (

Emergency numbers

  • The University of Wuppertal's security service can be contacted around the clock:
    mobile 0202 439 2121 or from university telephones -2121 Further information:
  • Emergency number for the police: 110.

Always available

  • the Nora EMERGENCY CALL APP. With the official emergency call app of the federal states, the police, fire brigade and rescue service can be reached quickly and easily in an emergency. Nora uses the location function of the mobile device to transmit the exact location to the relevant emergency control centre. Silent emergency calls can also be made without having to speak.
  • Thetelephone counselling service on the freephone number 0800-1110111 or 0800-1110222 and on the Internet at

Tips for threatening situations
You can also ensure great safety with little effort:

  • Take yourself and your feelings and experiences seriously and act accordingly.
  • Don't be afraid to consistently break off a situation - you don't owe anyone a conversation!
  • If you feel unsafe, do not hesitate to call the university's security service (0202 439 2121) or the police (emergency number 110). If in doubt, it is better to call once too often than once too little.
  • Be as loud as possible in an emergency.
  • Make others aware of your situation. Seek publicity and speak directly to individuals if you need help.
  • Be alert and help others in threatening situations. Here too, it is better to ask too many questions than too few to make sure everything is OK.

Further links

Counselling and complaints offices
Below you will find an overview
- the general contact points
- the contact points for students
- the contact points for employees