Policy Statement

The University of Wuppertal sees the fulfillment of its mission and the promotion of its academic profile as intimately connected with the following values and principles:

(a) Teaching at the university is guided by current research processes and findings, and at the same time takes account of newly developing areas of work and career opportunities. As far as possible it is interdisciplinary and open to the requirements of lifelong learning. This entails fostering key qualifications such as creativity and the development not only of methodological competence, but also of the social, intercultural and critical competencies that will enable students to transfer their knowledge and experience constructively into new social, academic and professional contexts. It is against this background that the university’s commitment to teacher education, extending to almost all German school types, must be seen. In order to improve the overall attractiveness, efficiency and effectiveness of its degree programs the university seeks – in the interests of both current and future students – to continuously enhance its service and counseling cultures, whether in the area of teaching, in the environmental conditions of study, or (and indeed especially) in the university’s central services and administration. All teaching and support services undergo regular internal and external evaluation, including rankings (b) The university is actively committed to interdisciplinary networking, especially within the framework of the research profiles outlined above. The organization and output of its research is geared to national as well as international standards of excellence and welcomes both internal and external evaluation. Support is provided not only for top research projects but also for talented young researchers, and the university seeks in this context to raise not only the number of doctoral candidates but also the level of external funding in order to continuously improve research conditions at all levels. Furthermore, the university plays an active role in efforts to locate non-university research institutes and units in the region. (c) The University of Wuppertal emphatically supports the interchange and transfer of knowledge and technology with business and industry on the one hand and society and politics on the other. This involves numerous individual activities, but also requires systematic dialogue with the wider public, as well as regional networking, direct support measures, and cooperation with partners from both the private and public sector. In the context of promoting lifelong learning, this extends to institutions along the entire educational chain, beginning with schools, and including further education and ‘University of the Third Age’ (U3A) activities. Finally, with a view to stimulating multiple knowledge transfer, and at the same time systematically reinforcing the bond between learning and practice, the university expressly supports the continuing development of alumni groups and structures. (d) In extending and strengthening numerous aspects of its teaching, research and transfer activities, the University of Wuppertal sets great store on the growth of a positive and cooperative organizational culture, on the development of a wide range of targeted opportunities for in-training and education for its employees, on a culture of multiplicity and variety, on a family-friendly environment, and on sustained equal opportunity policies for women and men. The university seeks in this way to optimize the potential and performance of all its employees, to create attractive working conditions at all levels, and thereby to continue to draw talented teachers and researchers to Wuppertal.

The Office of the Rector
University of Wuppertal
April 2009