Funding for your PhD from summer 2024?
Apply by 1 June!
Please note:
As a new version of our graduate funding programme is planned, the details and information below initially only apply to the upcoming summer round (application deadline: 1 June 2024).
The general conditions for the winter round (application deadline: 1 December 2024) will be published here in good time.
The digitalisation of our services as part of the implementation of the Onlinezugangsgesetzt (OZG) and the E-Government-Gesetz NRW (eGovG NRW) is taking place step by step. The following information describes the application procedure according to the current status. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Doctoral funding by the University of Wuppertal
The University of Wuppertal awards scholarships to support doctoral students.
Feel free to apply!
Women are particularly encouraged to take part in this call for applications.
General conditions
Scholarships are awarded in accordance with the Rahmenordnung für die Vergabe von Stipendien zur Vorbereitung von Promotionen an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, dated 20 April 2015 and the amendment regulations dated 9 July 2015 and 2 November 2018. In deviation from the framework regulations, we are replacing parts of the application and approval process with suitable digital procedures (see below) in accordance with the provisions of the Onlinezugangsgesetz (OZG) and the E-Government-Gesetz NRW (EGovG NRW). A comprehensive revision of the framework regulations, also - but not only - to take into account the opportunities created by the eGovG NRW, is in progress.
The selection and funding of applicants is decided by the university's internal committee. The quality of the application is decisive for the award of a scholarship. There is no legal entitlement.
Type and amount of scholarships
We award ...
- Basic scholarships (standard funding period: 24 months; possible extension: up to 12 months)
- Final scholarships (standard funding period: up to 12 months; possible extension: up to 6 months).
The scholarship benefits consist of ...
- a basic amount of € 1,200 per month and
- a child allowance of € 150 per month per child that the scholarship holder maintains, and
- if applicable, a supplement for travelling expenses up to a maximum of € 1,000.
Eligible applicants
German and international early career researchers who are completing their doctorate at the University of Wuppertal are eligible to apply.
Eligibility requirements
Doctoral candidates whose academic project is expected to make an important contribution to research are eligible for funding.
A basic scholarship can be awarded to those who can prove that their study and examination achievements are well above the average requirements and who are preparing their PhD.
A final scholarship can be awarded to those who can prove that the academic project has reached a stage where an above-average result can be achieved in the time allotted for a final scholarship.
If the candidate works more than ten paid hours per week, funding is excluded. Parallel funding by other public or publicly funded private organisations for the same purpose and during the same period is also not possible.
Regular application deadlines are ...
- 1 June (summer round, funding from August at the earliest) and
- 1 December (winter round, funding from February of the following year at the earliest).
Please send the application documents with a scan of your signature and summarised in a single PDF file to:
The date of receipt of the mail at the University of Wuppertal applies.
If possible, use the e-mail address you received as a student or employee at the University of Wuppertal for authentication.
If you do not have an e-mail account at the University of Wuppertal, please use your private account. In this case, you will be authenticated after consultation with us, e.g. by video identification or by presenting proof of identity in person.
You might want to contact us in case you want to encrypt the data before transmitting it by e-mail.
Documents to be submitted ...
... for a new application
Your application must contain the following documents (in this order):
- Cover letter (subject "BUW PhD Scholarship, Application")
- Application form (template see sidebar or below)
- Attachments: see list on the application form, p. 5 (templates see sidebar or below)
... for an application for continued funding after year 1 of the basic scholarship
Your application for continued approval of your basic scholarship for the second funding year must include the following documents (in this order):
- Cover letter (subject "BUW PhD Scholarship, Application for Continued Approval")
- Presentation of the progress of your work, incl. comparison with the originally submitted work plan and, if applicable, justification of deviations
- Statement from your supervisor
... In the case of an application for an extension after the end of the scholarship
Your application for an extension of your scholarship must include the following documents (in this order):
- Cover letter (subject "BUW PhD scholarship, Application for Extension")
- Description of the progress of your work, incl. ...
- the current status
- deviations from the original schedule plus justification
- the revised timetable
- Statement from your supervisor that specifically considers the necessity and likelihood of success of an extension