Foto: BUW/Rüdiger Nehmzow
Bergische Universität has a broad and excellent spectrum of research activities. It includes both basic and application-oriented research. The promotion of transdisciplinary research within the university as well as cooperations with large research centres and other universities in Germany and abroad are part of the special research profile of Bergische Universität.
Bergische Universität offers international doctoral students attractive research opportunities, career prospects and hospitable conditions. It has a sustained interest in ensuring that qualified and motivated international graduates decide to spend a research period in Wuppertal, successfully complete their doctorate here and remain in contact with Bergische Universität afterwards.
On this page you will find important information about doctoral studies at Bergische Universität. If you have any questions about your individual options and framework conditions, and as a contact point for personal advice and information, the Centre for Graduate Studies (ZGS) is there to help you in word and deed.
You will need the following documents to apply for admission at the student admission and registration for international students:
- Completed application for admission
- Written confirmation of supervision for international doctoral candidates from the doctoral supervisor, including the language in which the doctoral thesis is to be written
- If applicable, proof of German language skills for a doctorate in German
- Degree certificates (Bachelor's and Master's)
- Proof of periods of study (overview of subjects and grades/transcripts etc.)
- Abstract of the Master's thesis (dissertation)
- Curriculum vitae
- If you are or were already enrolled at a German higher education institution, please also enclose the current or most recent enrolment certificate with details of the subject and university semesters.
Please note:
- Foreign language certificates require a German or English sworn translation. Certificates issued by the educational institution in English do not require a translation
- Officially certified copies of all certificates must be submitted.
Summer semester: 15.04.
Winter semester: 15.10.
As a prospective doctoral student, you apply for a visa for study purposes in your home country (§16b).
If you receive an employment contract from the university, you apply for a visa for the purpose of research as a doctoral student (§18d). The visa for the purpose of research requires a "Hosting Agreement", a document that can be applied for via the International Center - International Office.
Please note: A tourist visa ("Schengen visa") can neither be converted into a visa for the purpose of study or research nor can it constitute a residence permit for the purpose of study or research!
Formally, these are national visas issued for entry for a planned stay of more than 90 days ("D visa"). The visa is usually valid for 3 to 6 months, at least for 90 days from the date of entry into Germany and can then be converted into a residence permit for study or research purposes in Wuppertal.
Address & Contact
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Abt. 3.3 - Internationales Studierendensekretariat (student admission and registration)
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal
Inga Schubert
Gebäude H.11.10
Tel. +49 (0)202 439 3264
E-Mail: promotion[at]
Personal consultation hours in the SSC right at the main entrance (building G):
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Telephone enquiries and advice:
Monday 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. - Consulting on the topics exchange students, doctoral studies and sponsorship/scholarships (Tel.: 0202 - 439 3264)
Wednesday 2 - 4 p.m. (Tel.: please see contact persons & responsibilities)
Contact persons & responsibilities