University of Wuppertal


Regionally connected - globally networked. Internationality and interculturality in study, research, teaching and transfer.

Bergische Universität Wuppertal is a cosmopolitan and internationally networked institution: people with diverse migration experiences and from many nations study and work at the university, and international alumni are active worldwide. Diversity and multiculturalism are an important part of the reality of life at Bergische Universität and influence the university's own profile. As a university regionally anchored in the Bergisches Land, Bergische Universität uses internationalisation measures, activities and partner networks to further sharpen its profile as a research university, to expand its visibility and reputation internationally and to gain attractiveness as a university location as well as national and international charisma.


Address & Contact

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal

For general enquiries: icenter[at]




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